Local and Global, Management of Cities [PDF] [StormRG]

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Local and Global, Management of Cities [PDF] [StormRG] (Size: 3.64 MB)
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 Local and Global - Castells, Manuel, Borja, Jordi.pdf3.54 MB
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Author: Jordi Borja , Manuel Castells
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Routledge (April 1, 1997)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1853834416
ISBN-13: 978-1853834417
Format: Retail PDF
Reader Required: Adobe Reader, Foxit, Nitro, Adobe Digital Editions

Note: This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.

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This text challenges the belief that cities will eventually disappear as territorial forms of social organization as new information technologies permit the articulation of social processes without regard for distance, arguing that the specific role of cities will become more important, and proposing that a dynamic and creative relationship be built up between the local and the global. In this way, cities will remain the focus of social organization, political management and cultural expression, equipped to deal with the enormous social and environmental problems of urbanization.

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Local and Global, Management of Cities [PDF] [StormRG]

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