Lynda – 21-Day Drawing Challenge with Von Glitschkaseeders: 29
leechers: 20
Lynda – 21-Day Drawing Challenge with Von Glitschka (Size: 144.39 MB)
Description | 21-Day Drawing Challenge with Von Glitschka
33m 44s Beginner Aug 04, 2014/ Uploaded via Webcentara Drawing and creativity are critical parts of human communication and personal expression, and are essential for success in every profession. Drawing is especially valuable because it improves hand-eye coordination, as well as your understanding of form and shape. It also lets you quickly communicate ideas that may be difficult to put into words. To help you hone your skills, Von Glitschka has developed the 21-Day Drawing Challenge. The goal isn't to turn you into a professional illustrator or fine artist—it's about improving your drawing skills and creative thinking, no matter if you're an expert or have never drawn more than a doodle on a notepad. A new drawing challenge will be posted each business day, starting on August 4 and ending on August 29. This way if you miss a day, you'll have the weekend to catch up. Take the time you need to finish each challenge. The following day, we'll post a video where Von shares his own hand-drawn solution to the previous day's challenge. There are no right answers here; his solutions should serve as inspiration! On the final day of the course we'll post the last two challenges and a chapter of inspiring drawers to help keep you motivated. Each movie will profile a different artist, including people like Kate Bingaman Burt and Mattias Adolfsson. So, step up to the plate. You're just 21 days from a new creative habit. And don't forget to share your drawings via Twitter and Facebook! Use the hashtag #draw21days. Sharing WidgetAll Comments |
Using the exercise files 36s
1. Conclusions drawing 9m 38s
Anyone can Draw 1m 49s
The Science of drawing 2m 53s
About the Challenges 1m 55s
The tools you'll need 3m 1s
2. Drawing Challenges 25m 50s
Day 1 Challenge: The cat's meow 1m 0s
Day 1 solution: The cat's meow 2m 14s
Day 2 Challenge: Drawing the line 1m 12s
Day 2 solution: Drawing the line 2m 48s
Day 3 challenge: Draw what you see 1m 0s
Day 3 solution: Draw what you see 2m 31s
Challenge Day 4: Give yourself A High five 1m 3S
Day 4 solution: Give yourself A High five 2m 21s
Challenge Day 5: Refinement drawing 1m 10s
Day 5 solution: Refinement drawing 3m 32s
Day 6 Challenge: Get Cubistic 54s
Day 6 solution: Get Cubistic 1m 49s
7 Day challenge: What do you like? 35s
Day 7 solution: What do you like? 2m 36s
Day 8 challenge: Drawing a light source 1m 5s
not a complete course
As far as the drawing challenges are concerned, only the drawing challenge day one is included. NONE of the other drawing challenge days are included.