multiMAN MEGA Package for PS3-BESTREPACKseeders: 8
leechers: 3
multiMAN MEGA Package for PS3-BESTREPACK (Size: 1.46 GB)
Description![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() One of the most powerful , user-friendly and is actively developing Managers for the Playstation 3. This manager is created by the user deanrr from source Open Manager. Currently multiMAN boasts the following chips : - Built-in and constantly active FTP server - File manager to handle content PS3 and connected devices - Advanced options in the file options.ini (options_default.ini) - Display Copy / BackUp - Maintains and displays 7 devices (HDD / USB / BD / SDHC / MS / CF) - Animated icon and the background - The function to check / download the update is performed by pressing [R3] - Support COVER.PNG in AVCHD video catalogs - Support for AVCHD activation from external USB devices . - Supports the backup of AVCHD to internal HDD - Support for playback of AVCHD and BDVM content from internal HDD - Supports overscan DLP and CRT TV - Playback of MP3 - Picture viewer JPEG / PNG - Ability to view hex file - Ability to read and copy files from an external NTFS support ! - Support 4 types of fonts ( change key [SELECT] [R3]) - Support for those oformeniya - Multi-language support in the composition of the Mega package includes: * Manager * Media Player Showtime * Plug-ins for Showtime ( 37 Pieces ) * Support dongle Cobra * Console Emulators old generation (installed separately ) * Program to work with the Roma from the old generation of consoles * 2219 Gaming in 3D covers for emulators of old generation consoles * 3416 Gaming covers for PSX and PS2 * 6507 Gaming Covers * 46 Topics * Cutter for files larger than 4GB * Utility to store the settings, run the games through multimedia (installed separately ) * PS Multi Tools - manager games on your PC * PS3 Game List - manager of your games on the PC ( folder management , updating the games and stuff. ) * Theme Packer - Packer topics. * WEBMan - Standalone FTP Server and FTP through a browser. Install 1. Run multiMAN. 2. Insert the game disc in the PSone PS3. Suitable for both license and pirates, even on disc. 3. We choose our inserted disc and run it through the X button 4. Enjoy the game. ![]() =============== Attention updated version now has the ability to copy games from an external NTFS support for internal HDD attachment , which gives a big boost in speed than copying via FTP. To do this, we make the following manipulations: 1. Install a fresh multimedia . 2 . Learn VID & PID of its external NTFS device. In this program you can CheckUDisk 3 . Edit file USB.CFG, changing the value on this principle 0xVID: 0xPID: # Should have something of this kind : 0x13fe: 0x3100: 1 (1 - the number of the partition on your external NTFS device if section 1, then leave the unit if more sections , the number of the place , which is formatted in NTFS) 4 . Copy this file to the internal HDD console at dev_hdd0/game/BLES80608/USRDIR /. All your console and manager are ready to work with an external NTFS support. To activate the mode in Multemene to press START triangle. While only possible copying of files using a file manager multemena , to throw off the game on an external NTFS support in multimenyu menu will be displayed. =============== 1. Set yourself Loder with the plugin. From the distribution file Manager PRXLOADER_webman_ftp_1.05.pkg 2. In HMB icon appears Loder. From the distribution file 3. Run multiMAN and how to load the output 4. Select the icon in HMV with Loder and run 5. The program starts preloaded and will fly to HMV. 6. All can use FTP, throwing games and stuff for playing games or watching a movie. 7. IMPORTANT! Third paragraph done necessarily before starting Loder, otherwise the plugin will not work off the console. 8. Everyone likes to use! Sharing Widget |
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