Released : 2013Genre : Action (Shooter) / 1st person / 3DDeveloper : OVERKILL - a Starbreeze StudioPublisher: 505 GamesLanguage: EnglishLanguage: EnglishSubtitles language : EnglishPlatform: PS3Publication Type: LicenseRegion : EURCode disc : BLES01902Firmware: 4.46 / image for Cobra ODE / E3 ODE PRO ( 100 % IRD Verification)Multiplayer : Online Coop 4 playersDescription:PayDay 2 - co-op shooter for four players , allowing everyone to get used again in the role of characters of the original PayDay - Dallas , Hoxton , Cheynsa and Wolfe. The new network Crimenet offers a wide variety of cases - from the relatively simple attacks on shops and abduction of children , before the robbery storage banks.As you progress through missions , a team of four players sent to the more complex and profitable mission. At the same time there are more possibilities of customization and crafting that allows the group to use a unique outfit