Released: November 23, 2010Genre : Action / 3D / 3rd PersonDeveloper : BottleRocket / Namco Bandai GamesPublished by: NamcoLanguage: EnglishLanguage: EnglishSubtitle Language: EnglishPlatform: PS3Publication Type: piratesRegion : USACode disc : BLUS30335Firmware: 3.55 / image for Cobra ODE / E3 ODE PROMultiplayer: NoDescription:Remake of the famous game from the distant past - slasher with a muscular glavgeroem , hideous monsters and rivers of blood . In Splatterhouse , you 're playing for a college student Rick Taylor. He tries to rescue his girlfriend , Jennifer, who disappeared after being hit in the West Mansion . Confronted with otherworldly creatures , Rick is a " live" mask , which offers to give him power to find Jennifer.[/justify]