The Art of Videogames by Grant Tavinor

Product Details
* Pub. Date: October 2009
* Publisher: Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
* Sales Rank: 362,791
* Series: New Directions in Aesthetics Series
* ISBN-13: 9781405187886
* ISBN: 1405187883
* Edition Description: New Edition
Videogames aren’t just for children anymore. In fact, their fictional worlds now inspire us to make judgments about perceptual beauty, involve us in interpretation, and arouse our emotions. Reflecting the increasing technical and moral sophistication of the genre, The Art of Videogames presents a unique philosophical approach to the art of videogaming. The author, a philosopher as well as an avid gamer, explores how philosophical theories developed to address traditional art works – such as novels and film – can also be applied to videogames. Chapters delve into relationships between games and earlier artistic and entertainment media, employ the theory of fiction to explore how videogames allow for interactive fiction, look at the role of game narrative, and address the debate about the moral status of violent events depicted in videogame worlds. The text concludes by arguing that videogames do indeed qualify as a new and exciting form of representational art.
By situating videogames in the framework of analytic philosophy of the arts, The Art of Videogames offers unique philosophical insights while finally bridging the worlds of fantasy and philosophy.
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