| | 002 PHP source code. Netbeans project..html | 1.29 KB |
| | 001 Introduction.jpeg | 218.77 KB |
| | 001 Introduction.mp4 | 24.69 MB |
| | 006 Create new database table to store password tokens.mp4 | 3.52 MB |
| | 005 Generate unique password token.mp4 | 14.43 MB |
| | 009 Testing Forgot Password feature.mp4 | 14.73 MB |
| | 001 Implement Forgot Password User Interface.mp4 | 15.26 MB |
| | 004 Create Password Reset PHP Class.mp4 | 20.33 MB |
| | 003 Create requestNewPassword.php PHP script.mp4 | 33.58 MB |
| | 007 Prepare email message template and send out email to user.mp4 | 40.8 MB |
| | 008 Create new PHP page to let user provide new password.mp4 | 75.55 MB |
| | 002 Implement Forgot Password View Controller.mp4 | 88.61 MB |
| | 003 Navigation Drawer Creating right side sliding panel.mp4 | 7.22 MB |
| | 002 Navigation Drawer Creating left side navigation menu.mp4 | 11.19 MB |
| | 001 Download and install Navigation Drawer.mp4 | 20.15 MB |
| | 007 Add Left side and Right side Bar Item Buttons.mp4 | 39.72 MB |
| | 005 Add Left Side Menu Options.mp4 | 39.82 MB |
| | 006 Navigation drawer Left side menu - enable menu options.mp4 | 51.33 MB |
| | 004 Navigation drawer Putting everything together.mp4 | 88.31 MB |
| | 002 Create MySQL Data Access Class.mp4 | 9.8 MB |
| | 001 Introduction to my Server Side Environment.mp4 | 11.96 MB |
| | 006 Writing Image Upload PHP Script.mp4 | 20.14 MB |
| | 004 Secure way to store MySQL database access details.mp4 | 27.46 MB |
| | 005 Working with userSignIn php script.mp4 | 36.35 MB |
| | 003 Working on User Sign up script.mp4 | 76.86 MB |
| | 003 Protected page.mp4 | 12.01 MB |
| | 004 Enable Cancel button on Sign up form.mp4 | 12.19 MB |
| | 002 Sign up page.mp4 | 18.39 MB |
| | 001 Sign in page.mp4 | 26.21 MB |
| | 003 Image upload Before you continue..mp4 | 15.27 MB |
| | 001 Select profile picture from device photo library.mp4 | 50.81 MB |
| | 004 Display user profile picture.mp4 | 64.71 MB |
| | 002 Upload user profile photo to server side.mp4 | 102.14 MB |
| | 003 Store email token in database table.mp4 | 16.41 MB |
| | 001 Introduction.mp4 | 18.75 MB |
| | 002 Create EmailConfirmation Class new Database Table.mp4 | 26.04 MB |
| | 004 Prepare email message template and send message to user.mp4 | 40.8 MB |
| | 005 Working on Confirm Email Address PHP Script.mp4 | 43.27 MB |
| | 006 Remember user Sign in state.mp4 | 28.42 MB |
| | 005 Implementing user Sign out.mp4 | 32.72 MB |
| | 004 Displaying user details returned from server side script.mp4 | 38.58 MB |
| | 001 Collecting user Sign up details and making sure all fields are filled in.mp4 | 42.2 MB |
| | 002 Sending HTTP Post request to insert data into users table.mp4 | 85.1 MB |
| | 003 Implementing User login.mp4 | 114.59 MB |
| | 001 Creating a new MySQL database and Users table.mp4 | 37.16 MB |
| | Applied Piracy.url | 74 bytes |