| | placeholder.jpg | 119.86 KB |
| | particle.mov | 92.37 MB |
| | video82447.1920X1080.mov.flv | 8.27 MB |
| | Particle Awesomeness.aep | 4.07 MB |
| | particles 2.mov | 45.11 MB |
| | Particles 4.mov | 35.58 MB |
| | Particle 3.mov | 33.94 MB |
| | particles 1.mov | 26.32 MB |
| | Photo_1280x720 - 4.jpg | 41.89 KB |
| | Photo_1280x720 - 6.jpg | 41.89 KB |
| | Photo_1280x720 - 11.jpg | 41.89 KB |
| | Photo_1280x720 - 3.jpg | 41.89 KB |
| | Photo_1280x720 - 10.jpg | 41.89 KB |
| | Photo_1280x720 - 12.jpg | 41.89 KB |
| | Photo_1280x720 - 7.jpg | 41.89 KB |
| | Photo_1280x720 - 2.jpg | 41.89 KB |
| | Photo_1280x720 - 9.jpg | 41.89 KB |
| | Photo_1280x720 - 1.jpg | 41.89 KB |
| | VPresentation.aep | 2.24 MB |
| | read me.rtf | 33 KB |
| | V-Presentation HD.100971.flv | 35.58 MB |
| | V-Presentation HD.100971.jpg | 96.66 KB |
| | outOfFocusParticles2.mov | 567.34 MB |
| | preview.flv | 1.55 MB |
| | outOfFocusParticle2.aep | 468.01 KB |
| | Scene19_2.mov | 10.18 MB |
| | Scene19_1.mov | 8.36 MB |
| | SCENE19.mov | 3.78 MB |
| | Scene11_2.mov | 10.17 MB |
| | Scene11_1.mov | 8.68 MB |
| | scene11.mov | 3.71 MB |
| | Scene12_2.mov | 10.17 MB |
| | Scene12_1.mov | 8.64 MB |
| | scene12.mov | 3.73 MB |
| | Scene14_2.mov | 10.13 MB |
| | Scene14_1.mov | 8.62 MB |
| | scene14.mov | 3.79 MB |
| | scene15_2.mov | 9.67 MB |
| | scene15_1.mov | 8.37 MB |
| | scene15.mov | 3.81 MB |
| | Scene18_2.mov | 9.3 MB |
| | Scene18_1.mov | 8.48 MB |
| | Scene18.mov | 3.72 MB |
| | Scene17_2.mov | 9.3 MB |
| | Scene17_1.mov | 8.49 MB |
| | Scene17.mov | 3.74 MB |
| | Scene16_2.mov | 9.14 MB |
| | Scene16_1.mov | 8.56 MB |
| | scene16.mov | 3.84 MB |
| | Scene13_2.mov | 8.79 MB |
| | Scene13_1.mov | 8.3 MB |
| | scene13.mov | 3.69 MB |
| | Scene-transition_1.mov | 3.15 MB |
| | Scene-transition.mov | 1.95 MB |
| | scene1_2.mov | 3.7 MB |
| | scene1_1.mov | 3.34 MB |
| | scene1.mov | 1.52 MB |
| | painkiller - prerendered.aep | 7.72 MB |
| | painkiller - prerenderedReport.txt | 3.51 KB |
| | tutorial.mp4 | 9.64 MB |
| | Painkiller.aep | 23.71 MB |
| | painkillerReport.txt | 1.97 KB |
| | blue tunnel for videohive green.aep | 9.11 MB |
| | blue tunnel for videohive greenReport.txt | 1012 bytes |
| | blue tunnel for videohive red.aep | 9.11 MB |
| | blue tunnel for videohive redReport.txt | 1008 bytes |
| | blue tunnel for videohive yellow.aep | 9.11 MB |
| | blue tunnel for videohive yellowReport.txt | 1014 bytes |
| | blue tunnel for videohive.aep | 9.08 MB |
| | blue tunnel for videohiveReport.txt | 1005 bytes |
| | preview.flv | 18.64 MB |
| | blue_tunnel.mp3 | 695.41 KB |
| | help.txt | 581 bytes |
| | (Footage).rar | 456.57 MB |
| | TheAncientTrailer_audio.wav | 10.97 MB |
| | TheAncientTrailer.aep | 5.96 MB |
| | tutorial.mp4 | 2.51 MB |
| | TheAncientTrailerReport.txt | 1.46 KB |
| | read me.txt | 937 bytes |
| | Scene_4_LOGO.aep | 2.06 MB |
| | scene_3.aep | 1.43 MB |
| | scene_1.aep | 1.43 MB |
| | scene_2.aep | 900.65 KB |
| | intro.aep | 331.05 KB |
| | Montage.aep | 6 MB |
| | texture.jpg | 680.99 KB |
| | help.pdf | 616.23 KB |
| | info.txt | 689 bytes |
| | Anaglyph Titles.flv | 16.75 MB |
| | Anaglyph Titles.jpg | 186.14 KB |
| | Anaglyph Titles.txt | 48 bytes |
| | all_optical_flares.mov | 28.31 MB |
| | Business People.108997.flv | 23.19 MB |
| | business_people.aep | 4.32 MB |
| | business_people - no plugins required.aep | 3.51 MB |
| | logo.psd | 327.16 KB |
| | 08.jpg | 152.57 KB |
| | 06.jpg | 152.43 KB |
| | 09.jpg | 151.81 KB |
| | 05.jpg | 151.34 KB |
| | 03.jpg | 149.68 KB |
| | sph_ref2.mov | 19.79 MB |
| | sph_ref1.mov | 19.34 MB |
| | sph_ao.mov | 11.28 MB |
| | sph_ao3.mov | 11.28 MB |
| | sph_ao2.mov | 11.28 MB |
| | sph_m6.mov | 6.45 MB |
| | sph_m5.mov | 5.73 MB |
| | sph_m4.mov | 5.28 MB |
| | sph_m2.mov | 3.15 MB |
| | sph_m1.mov | 2.16 MB |
| | sph_m3.mov | 1.85 MB |
| | Spherica - Project Files - VideoHive.flv | 12.42 MB |
| | spherica_s2.aep | 1.16 MB |
| | spherica_s1.aep | 1.13 MB |
| | spherica_s3.aep | 1.13 MB |
| | spherica_s1.jpg | 74.71 KB |
| | spherica_s3.jpg | 66.12 KB |
| | spherica_s2.jpg | 41.19 KB |
| | Spherica.txt | 41 bytes |
| | ._spherica_readme. | 171 bytes |
| | ._sph_ao. | 82 bytes |
| | ._sph_m2. | 82 bytes |
| | ._sph_ref2. | 82 bytes |
| | ._sph_ref1. | 82 bytes |
| | ._sph_m6. | 82 bytes |
| | ._sph_m5. | 82 bytes |
| | ._sph_m4. | 82 bytes |
| | ._sph_m3. | 82 bytes |
| | ._spherica_s1. | 82 bytes |
| | bg.mov | 31.91 MB |
| | OF4.mov | 3.91 MB |
| | OF3.mov | 3.57 MB |
| | OF2.mov | 3.12 MB |
| | OF5.mov | 3.11 MB |
| | of1.mov | 3.11 MB |
| | OverklockPrerendered.aep | 2.96 MB |
| | OverklockPrerenderedReport.txt | 1.21 KB |
| | Overklock.aep | 22.17 MB |
| | preview.flv | 16.28 MB |
| | videotut.mp4 | 13.75 MB |
| | Overklockreport.txt | 1.02 KB |
| | Particles_01.mov | 177.91 MB |
| | Particles_02.mov | 16.5 MB |
| | Particles_03.mov | 14.62 MB |
| | particles_04.mov | 10.7 MB |
| | of.png | 186.98 KB |
| | swfobject_modified.js | 21.84 KB |
| | expressInstall.swf | 773 bytes |
| | help.swf | 22.2 MB |
| | index.html | 3.67 KB |
| | demo.flv | 4.66 MB |
| | Untitled Project.aep | 5.85 MB |
| | main.aep | 5.14 MB |
| | Main[PreRendered].aep | 3.58 MB |
| | _footage.rar | 2.02 MB |
| | MainReport.txt | 3.19 KB |
| | Main[PreRendered]Report.txt | 1.72 KB |
| | board.psd | 279.07 KB |
| | Status.psd | 55.02 KB |
| | board.tif | 1.79 MB |
| | airport_board.aep | 1.26 MB |
| | info.txt | 165 bytes |
| | Airport Departure Board.flv | 6.43 MB |
| | Airport Departure Board.jpg | 129.25 KB |
| | 071_magic_sun_loop.mov | 222.76 MB |
| | 121_flying_soccer_ball.mov | 250.1 MB |
| | PartySong.mp3 | 706.25 KB |
| | PlaceHolder9.jpg | 84.38 KB |
| | PlaceHolder6.jpg | 82.6 KB |
| | placeholder1.jpg | 82.26 KB |
| | PlaceHolder4.jpg | 81.91 KB |
| | PlaceHolder7.jpg | 80.61 KB |
| | PlaceHolder3.jpg | 78.66 KB |
| | PlaceHolder11.jpg | 76.64 KB |
| | PlaceHolder5.jpg | 76.51 KB |
| | PlaceHolder2.jpg | 75.98 KB |
| | PlaceHolder12.jpg | 74.17 KB |
| | flight.mov | 88.74 MB |
| | image001.jpg | 191.83 KB |
| | image009.jpg | 174.1 KB |
| | image005.jpg | 158.64 KB |
| | image007.jpg | 149.01 KB |
| | image003.jpg | 127.2 KB |
| | image002.jpg | 82.41 KB |
| | image010.jpg | 73.52 KB |
| | image006.jpg | 72.2 KB |
| | image008.jpg | 68.17 KB |
| | image004.jpg | 55.11 KB |
| | preview.flv | 9.31 MB |
| | Party time4.aep | 1.98 MB |
| | PARTY TIME readme.htm | 18.64 KB |
| | Damaged-Countdown.mov | 126.98 MB |
| | VECTOR Lower Third 2.mov | 140.28 MB |
| | VECTOR Lower Third 1.mov | 136.71 MB |
| | VECTOR Lower Third 3.mov | 111.15 MB |
| | Fire_transition_1.mov | 75.96 MB |
| | video_tutorial.flv | 21.14 MB |
| | Fire_transition.aep | 373.46 KB |
| | REVIEW.txt | 817 bytes |
| | filmstrip03.mp4 | 40.87 MB |
| | filmstrip05.mp4 | 40.76 MB |
| | filmstrip04.mp4 | 40.68 MB |
| | filmstrip02.mp4 | 40.08 MB |
| | filmstrip01.mp4 | 40.07 MB |
| | elements.psd | 40 MB |
| | endtags_audio.wav | 1.02 MB |
| | Envato_Network.ai | 147.47 KB |
| | Filmstrip_Endtag copy.aep | 1.69 MB |
| | Filmstrip_Endtag.aep | 1.69 MB |
| | . | 6 KB |
| | tutorial.flv | 28.74 MB |
| | ._Envato_Network. | 177.84 KB |
| | ._elements. | 55.1 KB |
| | ._endtags_audio. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Filmstrip_endtag. | 82 bytes |
| | ._. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Filmstrip_Endtag copy. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Filmstrip_endtag. | 368 bytes |
| | ._Filmstrip_help. | 368 bytes |
| | ._HELP FILE. | 171 bytes |
| | Help File.txt | 1.44 KB |
| | Filmstrip Endtag.129603.flv | 8.12 MB |
| | Filmstrip Endtag.129603.jpg | 73.5 KB |
| | Footage.mov | 101.63 MB |
| | preview.flv | 4.55 MB |
| | rewind and forward.aep | 256.71 KB |
| | Rewind.pdf | 46.15 KB |
| | (Footage).rar | 138.35 MB |
| | AutoMotive PreRender.aep | 1.01 MB |
| | (Footage).rar | 113.68 MB |
| | AutoMotiv+.aep | 3.52 MB |
| | tutorial.flv | 9.32 MB |
| | preview.flv | 11.55 MB |
| | Font Download - Bank Gothic MD.txt | 45 bytes |
| | 11_Scene.mov | 62.14 MB |
| | 09_Scene.mov | 44.08 MB |
| | 07_Scene.mov | 40.21 MB |
| | 12_Scene.mov | 40.21 MB |
| | 14_scene.mov | 40.21 MB |
| | 01_Scene.mov | 39.74 MB |
| | 13_Scene.mov | 39.74 MB |
| | 10_Scene.mov | 35.34 MB |
| | 02_Scene.mov | 25.33 MB |
| | 05_Scene.mov | 19.11 MB |
| | 10_Scene.aep | 1.57 MB |
| | 02_Scene.aep | 1.26 MB |
| | 03_Scene.aep | 1.26 MB |
| | 05_Scene.aep | 1.1 MB |
| | 07_Scene.aep | 967.6 KB |
| | 08_Scene.aep | 928.46 KB |
| | 09_Scene.aep | 909.92 KB |
| | 06_Scene.aep | 846.51 KB |
| | 11_Scene.aep | 755.71 KB |
| | 04_Scene.aep | 730.75 KB |
| | 01_Scene.aep | 666.07 KB |
| | Abyss_Creatures_OF_text effect not prerendered.aep | 2.61 MB |
| | Abyss_Creatures_ALL PRE RENDERED.aep | 1.13 MB |
| | Abyss Creatures_Read me.txt | 1.61 KB |
| | Font dowload link.txt | 103 bytes |
| | metabackground.mov | 97.19 MB |
| | background03.mov | 76.96 MB |
| | background02.mov | 36.57 MB |
| | Scene04.mov | 20.76 MB |
| | Scene05.mov | 20.21 MB |
| | SCENE06.mov | 20.07 MB |
| | Scene01.mov | 19.41 MB |
| | SCENE09LOGO.mov | 19.07 MB |
| | Scene02.mov | 17.03 MB |
| | Scene08.mov | 16.51 MB |
| | OF_rgb.mov | 38.44 MB |
| | OF_alpha.mov | 38.43 MB |
| | Soundtrack.wav | 4.53 MB |
| | Logo Envato - white.ai | 1009.78 KB |
| | scene_titles.aep | 351.98 KB |
| | scene_logo.aep | 335.37 KB |
| | info.txt | 1.14 KB |
| | door-of3.mov | 18.96 MB |
| | door-of1.mov | 9.65 MB |
| | door-of4.mov | 9.64 MB |
| | door-of7.mov | 9.07 MB |
| | scene1-flares.mov | 7.08 MB |
| | SCENE12-of2.mov | 5.69 MB |
| | scene5-flares.mov | 5.55 MB |
| | scene10.mov | 5.29 MB |
| | door2-of1.mov | 5.13 MB |
| | door-of6.mov | 4.67 MB |
| | door metal.psd | 12.21 MB |
| | Metal1.jpg | 568.15 KB |
| | logo.psd | 392.38 KB |
| | Dark of the moon pre-render.aep | 2.26 MB |
| | Dark of the moon pre-renderReport.txt | 2.63 KB |
| | door metal.psd | 12.21 MB |
| | Metal1.jpg | 568.15 KB |
| | logo.psd | 392.38 KB |
| | DARK OF THE MOON-trailer.aep | 10.6 MB |
| | DARK OF THE MOON-trailerReport.txt | 1.45 KB |
| | Transformers Movie.ttf | 48.22 KB |
| | Square 721 extended bt.ttf | 38.87 KB |
| | demo.flv | 22.87 MB |
| | DARK OF THE MOON HELP FILE.pdf | 221.63 KB |
| | DARK OF THE MOON.jpg | 116.14 KB |
| | DARK OF THE MOON HELP FILE.docx | 35.15 KB |
| | DARK OF THE MOON HELP FILE.txt | 1.74 KB |
| | Particle Shine-6.mov | 84.31 MB |
| | Particle Shine-4.mov | 77.11 MB |
| | Particle Shine-2.mov | 76.07 MB |
| | Particle Shine-1.mov | 75.53 MB |
| | Particle Shine-5.mov | 71.91 MB |
| | Particle Shine-3.mov | 71.81 MB |
| | videotut.mp4 | 45.03 MB |
| | of.mov | 29.83 MB |
| | stroke1.mov | 18.29 MB |
| | stroke4.mov | 15.96 MB |
| | stroke3.mov | 14.6 MB |
| | Black strokes.mov | 13.22 MB |
| | Stroke2.mov | 1.42 MB |
| | 3DTEXTopening_prerender.aep | 1.29 MB |
| | 3DTEXTopening_prerenderReport.txt | 758 bytes |
| | 3DTEXTopening_plugins.aep | 1.53 MB |
| | 3DTEXTopening_pluginsReport.txt | 862 bytes |
| | info.txt | 801 bytes |
| | videotut.mp4 | 45.03 MB |
| | of.mov | 29.83 MB |
| | stroke1.mov | 18.29 MB |
| | stroke4.mov | 15.96 MB |
| | stroke3.mov | 14.6 MB |
| | Black strokes.mov | 13.22 MB |
| | 3D text opening.153281.flv | 5.12 MB |
| | 3DTEXTopening_plugins.aep | 1.53 MB |
| | Stroke2.mov | 1.42 MB |
| | 3DTEXTopening_prerender.aep | 1.29 MB |
| | 3D text opening.153281.jpg | 79.33 KB |
| | help Heart.jpg | 222.82 KB |
| | help Heart.htm | 1.19 KB |
| | tut Heart.mov | 162.93 MB |
| | (Footage).rar | 8.07 MB |
| | Heart_Blue.aep | 4.79 MB |
| | Heart_Red.aep | 4.79 MB |
| | WeddingHearth_CS4.aep | 4.78 MB |
| | Hearts_Pink.aep | 4.78 MB |
| | ExpressionUniversalizer_log.txt | 83.11 KB |
| | WeddingHearth_CS4Report.txt | 3.08 KB |
| | info.txt | 915 bytes |
| | (Footage).rar | 8.07 MB |
| | Heart_Blue.aep | 4.79 MB |
| | Heart_Red.aep | 4.79 MB |
| | WeddingHearth_CS4.aep | 4.78 MB |
| | Hearts_Pink.aep | 4.78 MB |
| | ExpressionUniversalizer_log.txt | 83.11 KB |
| | WeddingHearth_CS4Report.txt | 3.08 KB |
| | info.txt | 915 bytes |
| | (Footage).rar | 42.14 KB |
| | ._Hearts_Pink. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Heart_Blue. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Heart_Red. | 82 bytes |
| | ._WeddingHearth_CS4. | 82 bytes |
| | ._WeddingHearth_CS4Report. | 82 bytes |
| | ._. | 82 bytes |
| | ._README. | 25 bytes |
| | ._help Heart. | 82 bytes |
| | ._help Heart. | 82 bytes |
| | ._. | 82 bytes |
| | ._tut Heart. | 82 bytes |
| | (Footage).rar | 42.14 KB |
| | ._. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Hearts_Pink. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Heart_Blue. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Heart_Red. | 82 bytes |
| | ._WeddingHearth_CS4. | 82 bytes |
| | ._WeddingHearth_CS4Report. | 82 bytes |
| | ._. | 82 bytes |
| | ._README. | 25 bytes |
| | Wedding Hearts CS4.153475.flv | 18.18 MB |
| | Wedding Hearts CS4.jpg | 23.3 KB |
| | OpticalFlares.mov | 31.35 MB |
| | default_background.psd | 13.29 MB |
| | blue_background.tga | 3.03 MB |
| | logo.psd | 604.52 KB |
| | 01.psd | 455.36 KB |
| | optical_flares_static_lowerthirds.png | 188.91 KB |
| | | 0 bytes |
| | images.jpg | 73.71 KB |
| | Render1.jpg | 72.15 KB |
| | Render2.jpg | 70.44 KB |
| | Help01.jpg | 53.68 KB |
| | Help05.jpg | 48.64 KB |
| | Help02.jpg | 43.56 KB |
| | Help04.jpg | 38.91 KB |
| | Help03.jpg | 34.03 KB |
| | calm_and_elegand_project.aep | 8.16 MB |
| | calm_and_elegand_project_no_plugins_required.aep | 7.2 MB |
| | HELP_calm_and_elegant.html | 5.96 KB |
| | Calm and Elegant.168604.flv | 41.27 MB |
| | Calm and Elegant.168604.jpg | 68.62 KB |
| | Greenish.mov | 117.98 MB |
| | blue.mov | 117.52 MB |
| | Red.mov | 92.86 MB |
| | fire.mov | 92.37 MB |
| | VideoPreview.flv | 297.39 KB |
| | blue.jpg | 161 KB |
| | green.jpg | 158.56 KB |
| | fire.jpg | 149.08 KB |
| | Red_00000.jpg | 127.53 KB |
| | FireThumbnail.jpg | 8.2 KB |
All Comments