Released: September 24, 2009Genre : Shoot 'em upDeveloper : Nihilistic SoftwarePublished by: KonamiLanguage: EnglishLanguage: EnglishPlatform: PS3Publication Type: pirates (PSN)Region : USACode disc : NPUB30069Firmware: 4.31 / image for Cobra ODE / E3 ODE PROMultiplayer: Locally , Internet ( 4)Description:Zombie Apocalypse sends many well- armed players on a mission to destroy a huge number of zombies in order to save the remaining people . Using 11 kinds of deadly weapons , including rifles , flame throwers and a teddy bear filled with explosives C4, four players will save the survivors from the clutches of zombies. Also at your disposal there is a chainsaw to kill enemies close , and as an additional line of defense , you can use the terrain for extra damage crowds of zombies. In Zombie Apocalypse can be played both locally and over the Internet.