Is the new way to manage your photos, it is your choice to get the program all in one step by step from the first reading the image of all formulations to organize, share, edit it and related activities dealing with digital images is useful for all of the first beginner through the applicants to photography and Experts dealing with images. The program has been industry for all users cameras, scanners, storage media and mobile. It contains everything you need for processing digital photos with high quality from start to finish: tools for downloading to your computer, tools for editing the automatic and manual and repair defects in the images, tools for easy management of your photos, and tools to share your digital photos and publish them. The program also provides add effects to images of the first effects of simple fun end to the influences of professionalism such as adding frames of images or add text to images and all what you need on a coin between your digital photos you'll find your hands with this giant.