Kennedy 2016 04 14 WS SDTV x264-XAiOseeders: 0
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Kennedy 2016 04 14 WS SDTV x264-XAiO (Size: 252.86 MB)
Kennedy kicks the night off talking Bernie Sanders attacking Verizon and his advocacy for a 15 dollar minimum wage. By being such a lefty and having some success he's forcibly pulling Hillary Clinton to the left.
Here tonight to discuss Bernie Sanders and the resurgent left is GUY BENSON, KMELE FOSTER, and JoANNE NOSUCHINSKY. While some Republicans aren't Trump fans they also feel it would be wrong to rob him of the nomination via contested convention. A new poll reflects that notion. Julianne Moore has came out against guns saying that they kill loads of women. KATIE PAVLICH of NATIONAL REVIEW is here to disagree. Muastacheod war monger JOHN BOLTON is here to talk about some Russian jets buzzing a United States Navel ship. Afterwards they move on to Obama potentially visiting Hiroshima. No president has ever visited either of the towns we dropped nukes on. TOPICAL STORM The panel returns to talk about Ice Cube's recent hot take on the 2016 presidential election. Afterwards - would you live at Disney? DR. MICHIO KAKU is here to talk about some futuristic tiny star ships. The size of a postage stamp. Powered by nanobots and shot by lasers. NIGHTCAP // MAILBAG Related Torrents
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